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A clear conscience is regarded in classic Yoga
as the first desideratum of any attempt to practice Yoga
either physical, mental or spiritual. It is an established
fact that a healthy state of mind has importance if
success is to be assured in the achievement of anything
above the normal. Freedom from emotions then allows
for whole-hearted undertaking, which is capable not
only of withstanding failures but of increasing
enthusiasm to reach the desired end.
Modern scientific findings confirm how even
the less distressing emotions cannot fail to leave
behind a trial of ill-effects. As progressive intoxication
brings a train of distortions, so do slow traumatic
effects of the emotions bring forth functional crises
even in a healthy organism and often exaggerate them
in an unhealthy one, It is thus believed that anything
which makes for emotional instability is likely to
interfere with the steadiness of the normal level of
In fact no successful beginning in the practice
of Yoga can be made before removing the turbidity of
the mind. The importance and useful ness of a code of
ethics in our daily life in entirely unquestionable not
only for the attainment of high spiritual motives but
also for mental and physical well-being. According to
Dr. Therse Brosse, “The reason for the requirement of
a code of morality is that, in terms of Yoga, the moral
principles as such are
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recognized as biological laws. The violation of these
laws entails the destruction of health when violent
psychophysiological forces are prematurely released in
a personality yet not prepared to face them.” Ethical
purity is thus the preliminary step since, according to
Yoga, morality is the basis of spiritual unfoldment.
What then are the requirements of progress on the path
of Yoga? For how can one begin Yoga with all sorts of
physical, mental, moral and spiritual impurities, and
still hope to achieve success in it? Such a course of
conduct which an aspirant should follow, right in the
beginning, is known as disciplinary Yoga and consists
of both negative and positive norms of ethical virtues
which are expected to purify the ordinary mind.
Being universal in their conception and
application, and also being in complete harmony with
teachings of all known religions and schools of
thought, this preparatory stage is evidently emphasized
among the Jain and Buddhist traditions besides the
Yoga system. They are incumbent on all students of
Yoga. They form a universal code of moral life and
represent the initial aspect of the background of this
ancient culture.
The first accessory in classic Yoga is known as
restraint (yama).
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According to Patanjali, there are five restraints
(yamas). They are (1) Non-violence (ahimsa), (2)
Truthfulness (satya), (3) Non-Stealing (asteya), (4)
Discipline of sex life (brahmacarya), and (5) Noncovetousness
(aparigraha). These broad-based
essentials and universal social virtues demand varying
degrees of self-control throughout life and are
indispensable to purification and steadiness of the
mind so necessary for meditation.
The restraints (yamas) are thus recommended
as the first step because it is very necessary to stop the
outgoing tendency of the mind, where we are likely to
get lost and no stable mind can be built up. “You tame
a river by building a dam across it. You break a colt in
a corral. You cannot do it otherwise, you cannot for
example repair the engine of a car while the car is
speeding away. It is in this act of stoppage or restraint
that we succeed in carrying out the necessary changes.
We cannot just become different from what we are
unless we are prepared to let go of something of our
old self. Overcoming our compulsive habits is a
precursor to embarking on building up a newer pattern.
Old opinions and old ways of behavior tend to inhibit
newer and more creative processes to take roots.
Unfortunately our psychological tendencies
grow out of our own biological being, and these
biological impurities and drives make it difficult to
take to a newer way of life. In Yoga, therefore, we first
refer to the restraints rather than observances. First
removal of the debris even before constructive
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Progress is possible, seems right in this context.
Breaking of old habits with a view to stop acting in a
compulsive way, provides a chance to look at ourselves
and thus gain steadiness.
Any negative involvement with others causes
problems especially when the normal mental level is
affected. For example, if we cause pain to others,
reactions are sure to come back to us. Nothing stops
our progress in Yoga more than causing injury to
others, because we are directly interfering with
another’s life. We unconsciously make others unhappy.
Subconsciously we know that we hurt others and
would not like the same to happen to ourselves.
Memories of this come back as reaction (karma) when
we are at our weakest. There can be no karma unless in
some way we cause pain or injury. Thus difficulty is
created by our own thoughts about others. The
reactions may not be seen but their vibrations are felt.
Feelings can be understood without words. We should
be aware of others, their points of view, their feelings
and should try to come down to their level and help
them. Think of others and behave accordingly. This is a
good training since it involves control over our
inherent nature which need much disciplining over a
period of time.”
The importance of non-violence (ahimsa) has
been recognized by all humanists who see in its
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The precious seed of self-improvement. In the Yoga
Sutra of Patanjali, non-injury (ahimsa) is mentioned as
one of the principal forbearances that form the integral
part of the eight subservients of concentration. These
are directly conducive to meditation as they help to
remove impurities of the personality-complex (citta).
A close analysis of Patanjali’s Sutra will reveal that by
the sustained practice of ahimsa all impurities are
destroyed and enlightenment of wisdom reaches
discriminative knowledge.
In the process of practicing non-injury (ahimsa)
there is likelihood of our mind being confronted with
perverse thoughts and therefore Patanjali exhorts us to
have habituation to the contrary feelings
(pratipaksabhavana) when we are troubled by such
perverse thoughts. We are also told that if the habit if
non-violence is firmly established, all hostilities are
given up in one’s presence. This is also borne out in
numerous examples one finds in religious works
dealing with the atmosphere of the hermitages where
the most ferocious of animals and the most timid could
coexist in the same surroundings emitting the
vibrations of non-violence (ahimsa).
In the Mahabharata (Moksaparvan 245, 18) it
has been stated that just as all footprints of others get
accommodated in those of the elephant, so do all
religious and ethical virtues become merged in the
great vow of ahimsa. A question then arises: if this is
so, where is the necessity of all other Yoga restraints
and observances? The Yoga authorities explain that the
object of all other virtues is to render this ahimsa itself
purer by turning away from evil
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committed on account of forgetfulness, playfulness, or
necessities having, of course, their origin in the injury
to others.
Injury may be of three kinds: (i) krta or caused
by oneself, (ii) karita or caused through others, and
(iii) anumodita or approved. Again each of these
injuries can be prompted by (i) greed born of
temptation or lobha, (ii) anger born of ungratefulness
and disappointment or krodha, (iii) delusion born of
misconceived notions of pleasure and sense of duty or
moha. The intensity of injury also varies considerably
and may be further grouped in three varieties viz. (i)
mrdu or mild, (ii) Madhya or moderate and (iii)
adhimatra or intense.
Yogi Yajnavalkya in his Yoga Samhita (I,59ff)
interprets ahimsa with other yamas as being threefold.
It consists in not causing pain to any living being either
by (i) speech (vaca), (ii) mind or manasa or (iii)
actions or karmana. A combination of these various
groups when analyzed singly or jointly really evolves
infinite varieties of injury.
Thus it is very nearly impossible for one to
escape from causing pain to some being at some time
in life, if the standard of Yoga ethics is to be
maintained. Our purpose is not to elaborate these
technicalities but to impress upon the mind of the
aspiring student that the main cause of most pain
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and suffering in this world is to be found in the evil of
himsa or injury.
The yamas like ahimsa, is not limited by life
state, place, time and circumstances, constitute the
great universal vow (mahavrta). But later
commentators on Yoga believe in a graded course of
training from anuvrata (modified vows) to mahavrata
(universal vows) thus recognizing fully the weakness
of the flesh.
The adherence to ahimsa creates an atmosphere
of friendliness and peace which brings about some
form of steadiness of the mind, so essential on the path
of meditation.
Among the universal vows imposed by Yoga,
the next in importance to ahimsa (the observance of
non-violence) is truth or satya.
Exaggeration has to be tolerated in the praise of
ultimate achievements and also in the eulogy of ethical
merit. In the adoration of truth, i.e., both the ultimate
and the unchangeable as well as the finite, the ancient
authors rivaled each other. The Upanisads reveal to us
for the first time in the history of Indian thought an
earnest enquiry after truth in all its aspects. Thus,
amidst all the diversities of cosmic change, they sought
to find out the final truth which is unchangeable. In the
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Mundakopanisad, truth is represented as the one and
only means of knowing the Absolute.
The zealous exponents of this virtue claimed
for truth a place even higher than ahimsa,
notwithstanding the fact that the former is dependent
on the later. We are thus told that there is nothing
higher than Truth.
The Yoga authorities, however regard truth as
merely auxiliary to ahimsa and is defined by Vyasa, the
commentator of the Yogasutras (II, 30) as follows:
“Truthfulness consists in word and thought being in
accordance with the facts.” This describes the nature of
truth. Now as to the nature of facts both the speech and
mind should correspond to what has been seen, heard,
and inferred. Otherwise how can it be truth? Speech is
uttered with the object of transferring one’s thoughts to
another, that is, for the purpose of creating in the other
minds a knowledge similar to the knowledge existing
in the mind of the speaker. Again, such speech must
not be deceptive, i.e., appearing as innocent or true but
where the speaker knows that he is not conveying the
same thought which he holds at the time of uttering it.
Deceptive speech and knowledge are born of
selfishness or ignorance and even though the words
uttered appear as true, the thought is dissimilar.
Confused speeches are also regarded as not-true, such
confusion may exist either at the time of speaking or at
the time of ascertaining the object of knowledge. Also
speech which is barren in
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knowledge carrying no information is regarded as nottrue.
For example, the knowledge of the barbarians
carries no impression of the objects of knowledge of
the mind, and there is thus no accord between thought,
words and facts. This also includes the speech which
may be objectless. According to Yoga ethics, such
speech is not desirable to be uttered. For, in this case,
even though the knowledge of the speaker is
transferred to the mind of the hearer, yet it is not, as it
were, transferred because of its uselessness.
The most binding condition, however or truth – here
we are discussing the aspects of finite truth and not the
unchangeable truth – is that it should be employed
solely for the good of others and not for their injury. If
it is not so uttered, it is only a semblance of truth, not
truth. In order to avoid conflict with the first and most
meritorious observance of non-injury, the authorities
have advised the students to test all truths by the canon
of non-injury. Thus, if it proves to be injurious to living
beings, even though uttered as truth, it is not truth.
Take, for example, the case of a man who has taken the
vow of truth, being asked by a gang of robbers if the
caravan they were in pursuit of had passed that way. Of
course, he has seen it passing that way and says so. But
his utterance, even though it technically conveys truth,
is not so in reality when measured by the Yoga ethics,
as it tends to the injury of others. Vyasa and his
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commentators, therefore, regard such injurious
utterances as not only not-truth but even as sin. The
contention is that though outwardly such a truthful
course may be considered virtuous yet, since by his
truth he has caused injury to other persons, he has in
reality violated the true standard of Yoga ethics – the
fundamental principle of ahimsa or non-injury.
Thus it is evident that in defining truth there are
specific limitations for all that is simple, natural or
obvious is not regarded as all-truth. The ideal of Yoga
ethics has, therefore, imposed a series of limitations on
truth firstly to harmonize it with its highest and most
noble concept of non-injury and secondly to secure its
undisturbed peace of body and mind during the course
of its non-aggressive living by depriving truth of its
natural roughness and inclemency.
In the comments on the Yogasutra it is argued
that truth which is unpleasant and unprofitable
(ahitakari) is not truth. Its five-fold significance is that
when uttering such truth one should be free from (a)
laughter or hasya, (b) greed or lobha, (c) fear or bhaya
(d) anger or krodha, and further that (e) the same
should be spoken with all due care and forethought.
Manu, the great Hindu law giver, further
elaborates the limitations confining truth since,
according to him, one should (i) neither speak
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Truths (apriya satya), (ii) nor pleasant untruths (asatya
priya), for both are forbidden.
The question arises at to what one should do
under such circumstances. To meet this contingency
the need for silence (mauna) is commended. The
principle underlying this alternative is to secure a
compromise between the vows of non-injury and
In the Mahabharata (Moksaparva) various
alternatives have been offered to the students of Yoga
with regard to the universal vow of truth. “Selfknowledge
is the highest knowledge, there is nothing
higher than Truth. Truthful speech is good but one
should speak what is beneficial. What is of maximum
benefit of the creatures is good according to me.”
Later commentators are diverse in their details
of these limitations but one fact seems to have been
fully realized by all of them and that is: Morality is the
basis of our entire living and that truth is the substance
of all morality. Therefore, let everyone first examine
well (taking into account the entire field of influence)
and then utter truth, not only for the sake of truth but
for the benefit of all living beings, as Vyasa says.
According to Patanjali when Truth is confirmed, then
whatever a person says becomes fulfilled.
Non-stealing (asteya) is the virtue of abstaining
from stealing. Theft is making one’s own unlawfully,
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things belonging to others. Abstinence from theft
consists in the absence of the desire thereof. It is
believed that when a man becomes steady in this
virtue, all ‘jewels’ from different quarters approach
him. Acquisitiveness is a common weakness of man.
Usually the more he has, the more he desires. That is
why spiritual and religious philosophies condemn
stealing, which is not only immoral as an act but can
soon pervert the healthy development of one’s
personality. Besides, as in the case of the other
restraints, asteya has definite social implications.
Acquisitiveness is not only damaging to the inner
growth of an individual, but is also an offense against
Besides the two cardinal principles of motion
and nutrition, every living cell or aggregation of cells
possesses also the capacity fro reproduction. The
sexual sense and organs on which this entire process
depends thus touches the very foundations of
biological, moral and psychic life of man.
In the human beings the sexual instinct and its
expressions have a very far reaching and decided
influence on (1) psychic, (2) moral, (3) mental and (4)
physical growth of the individual.
Psychic: It has been maintained during all ages
and by all classes of spiritually inclined persons in all
countries, that psychic evolution is not possible except
through purity of sex matters. All the systems of
spirituality therefore, either Indian or non-Indian,
consider the control of the sex urge as
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an essential requisite which is enforced upon the
would-be students of spiritual life.
Moral: The moral influence of sex is evident in
the classic social institutions and marriage rites and
imposition of certain moral laws concerning sex
matters and sex relations.
Mental: The sexual sense and its development
is a far greater causative factor in the production of
mental states than is commonly supposed. What is
undoubted though hardly observed or fully realized
and appreciated is that sexual problems get translated
in many cases into mental problems. This principle, the
relationship of sex to the mind, was thoroughly
recognized by the ancient students of psychology in
Physical: The physiological significance of the
sex instinct and sex hygiene is self-evident and
reassured by our everyday observations during the
growth of a boy into a man and a girl into a woman.
Consistent with the hygienic effects of the sex organs,
it has been rightly emphasized by physiologists of
repute that the removal of the sex endocrine glands in
either sex has a deleterious effect upon the mental and
physical growth of an individual. The psychoanalysts
interpret that the sexual impulses and energy become
directed to more useful and not-sexual purpose in adult
life through a process of sublimation. Should the
sexual impulses and energies, however remain
unsublimated or unexpunged, they become invariably
manifested through various psycho-sexual perversions.
Thousands of years ago, Yoga recognized
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the full significance of all such issues, namely the need
and usefulness of the process of sublimation,
recommended the replacement, deflection or
purification of the energy not only of the sexual
impulses but also of the non-sexual mental
modification (cittavrtti). This is best achieved by
efforts of concentration and elevated moral and
spiritual life, humanism, devotion and purity so
necessary to deflect the mind from sexual impulses.
While the yamas are of a negative nature
consisting of desisting (nivrtti) from certain things, the
niyamas are positive and they enjoin actions (pravrtti).
In the practice of the niyamas the yogin is concerned
more with himself and less with the society.
There are five observances (niyamas). They
are: (i) Purity (sauca), (ii) Contentment (santosa), (iii)
Fortitude (tapa), (iv) Study of the Self (svadhyaya),
and (v) Resignation to the will of the Absolute
By sauca is meant cleanliness of both the body
and the mind. Cleanliness of the body is brought about
by the use of earth, water, and disinfectants. It also
consists of eating purifying foods.
Cleanliness of the mind is brought about by the
removal of mental impurities like pride, vanity,
jealousy, anger, etc.
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The means for removal of mental impurities is
through the cultivation of such compelling human
virtues like universal brotherhood (maitri) universal
sympathy (karuna), complacency (mudita) and nonviolent
non-cooperation with evil (upeksa).
Since passion and envy are the chief causes of
distraction, when these are thoroughly eradicated, the
cheerfulness that is induced allows for the
concentration of the mind.
“By external cleanliness ensues disinclination
to one’s body and cessation of contact with others. By
internal cleanliness the citta becomes pure and one
acquires high-mindedness, one-pointedness control of
the senses and fitness for the knowledge of the
Self.” (Yogasutra II, 40, 41).
Santosa is the absence of desire to possess
more than the necessities of life – more than is
necessary for the preservation of one’s life. It should
be added that it is the natural result of correction in
respect of the appropriation of things belonging to
Study of self and introspection
The need for this discipline is quite obvious. It
is the acquisition of the knowledge about self
(svadhyaya) and its philosophy which also included the
repetition of the sacred symbol AUM. “Like the man
who is possessed of an idea, and who voluntarily
devotes himself completely to his mission, the student
of Yoga quietly engages himself, absorbed
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in the study of the subject and the repetition of the
sacred symbol AUM.” It is also said that “by steadiness
through svadhyaya, the rsis and siddhas become
visible to him who is blessed by them”.
Svadhyaya also included introspection while
trying to find out the true nature of the Self through
constant enquiry and deep penetrative self-study. This
introspection makes one aware of the painful and nonpainful
tendencies present in one’s character and help
him to augment and foster the non-painful tendencies
in him, which eventually would give rise to a feeling of
tranquility and clarity.
Tapa means the strength of remaining
unaffected by such opposites as heat and cold, hunger
and thirst, standing and sitting, etc. The psychosomatic
immunity to the effects of pairs of opposites thus came
to be regarded as a great virtue productive of the
highest power. According to Geraldine Coster, the
admitted purpose of bodily austerities is to break the
rigidity of the automatism of habits at the physical
level and to make the body more amenable to the
dictates of the will. Preliminary Yoga demands a much
more extensive loosening of the grip or tension than
this, a relaxation not only of the physical habits but of
the mental and emotional automatisms and this latter is
a far subtler and difficult achievement.
Tapa for the mediocre
Vijnana Bhiksu includes in tapa many social
and personal virtues that are not included in the
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yamas and niyamas. Vacaspati following Vyasa in his
comment on the first sutra in the Sadhana Pada warns
that only so much of a purificatory action is to be
performed that does not cause the disturbance of the
equilibrium of physiologic forces. Together with
svadhyaya and isvarapranidhana, tapa is regarded as
the Yoga of action (kriya yoga) and is recommended
for the middling types of students.
The word isvarapranidhana has two different
interpretations in the samadhi pada of the Yoga Sutra.
As a niyama it means the bestowal of all our actions to
the Absolute i.e. to work not for one’s own sake but for
the good of all that exist. As a result the individual is to
refrain from the fruits of all action. IT is propounded in
the Bhagavadgita that while doing one’s duty, one
should not think of the consequences thereof, thus
renouncing the fruits of all actions and their
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Apart from the necessity of acceptance of and
submission to the Yoga teacher, there is also involved
in this requirement the need for a profound acceptance
of the conditions of the individual life. The student of
Yoga needs to be so intent on the creation of a new
self, that he had no time to grumble at his environment.
The ambitious ore resentful person is never sufficiently
at leisure from himself to achieve the recollectedness
and concentration faculty necessary for the practice of
Yoga. The requisite of Yoga if resignation to the will of
the Absolute or its acceptance is in a sense comparable
to the preliminary stage of what the analyst calls
sublimation. By isvarapranidhana it is believed that
trance is obtained. The student of Yoga is then
supposed to know everything for what it is.
Thus it is fully recognized that by following the
basic ethical norms, yamas and niyamas, the mind of
the would-be student of Yoga meditation is
‘conditioned’ for delving deeper into the practices of
stilling the mind.
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